Straw pellets – easer to use bedding and litter for animals


When using straw pellets as bedding for horses special living conditions in stalls are given. Care and work for staff becomes easy too. With the help of that alternative bedding you will have less work in stables and you need to spend less time there. It’s easy and comfortable to use it. It’s a very good protection from moisture and mould which is not desirable in stables.

Straw has been used as horse bedding for centuries. Only recently, new technology has allowed us to improve what seemed to be already perfect, that is to make soft pellets from straw and use them in the stalls. Straw pellets are naturally softer than wood pellets and will break down more easily so less storage is required for soiled bedding. Straw pellet is a pure, natural product without any additives. Straw pellets are excellent suckling material (approximately 3 times self-weight). The product is hygienic, as the temperature is +75 – +85 ° C in granulation process. Using a straw pellet litter is easier and faster to clean. The product is easy to recycle and can be reused in different ways. Straw pellets are recommended as bedding material for horses and also other animals.

Our straw pellets are very safe – no impact on the horse’s health. Research has shown that our straw pellets are less dusty than wood shaving and have no bad effects on the horse’s respiratory system.

Our straw pellets have been developed through mixing different varieties of straw to enable the maximum amount of absorbancy.

Why ECO – friendly? Because of the natural fibres within the straw, the manure collected from the stable will break down and rot in a much shorter time than a wood based bedding and you don’t need to compost it for two or three years. Composted material decomposes rapidly and may be used, such as fertilizer, even in 2-3 months. 


At the beginning you just need to remove the horse from its box before adding the bedding. Spread the bedding evenly. For a 3x3m box, you need 6-9 bags of 13-20kg. Lightly mist the pellets with water to start pellet expansion. Wait for about 45-60 minutes for the straw pellets to absorb water and expand in size.  Mix up it with a shovel. Wet again if some drier spots appear. Then you can put the horse back in its box. The horse will help you to things move along. When adding more straw pellets, you should wet it again to activate the expansion. Remove and replace it all between 2 – 6 weeks of usage. Urine absorption in soft straw pellets is excellent, and so is ammonia and odour control. The waste is also low. The usage of straw pellets can cut the straw usage by half.


  • 100% natural straw & miscanthus;
  •  soft, warm & safe: no allergens or harmful toxins;
  • cost effective: long lasting & less wastefast absorbent
  • 50% greater absorbancy than wood pellets
  • protective: soft, supportive, hoof friendly, non-slip & non-heating
  • convenient to store: 50% less space than shaving or straw bales
  • eco-friendly: composts fast without harming soil nitrates & acidity
  • sustainable: straw regrows every year! – wood takes 20 years+
  • golden brown in colour with natural straw smell
  • fast to expand – fluff up quickly
  • non clumping
  • easy to transport and move around;
  • less work to muck out;
  • quicker breakdown when composted
  • low dust and moisture content;
  • No ammonia odour when cleaning up.

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